Pursuing God’s Will.
Hosted by The Seed Community
'My sheep listen to my voice', says Jesus.' I know them and they follow me.'
(John 10:27).
Is there a trustworthy process that enables Christians to actively seek God's will and direction and voice relative to decisions we are making? Both as individuals, in community, and even in the context of our marriages?
In a most general sense, discernment is the capacity to recognise and respond to the presence and activity of God - both in the ordinary moments and in the larger decisions of our lives.
Discernment literally means ‘to separate, to discriminate, to determine, to decide or to distinguish between two things. Good (that which is of God and draws us closer to God) and evil (that which is not God and draws us away from God.’ (Ruth Haley Barton)
In this 4 week Biblical and practical course we will explore the following: