Day #31
Do not cast me off, do not forsake me, O God of my salvation! If my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will take me up.
Psalm 27:9-10
Father, we pray for every couple floundering because of relationships with their wider families. Bring comfort to husbands estranged from fathers, and wives estranged from mothers. We pray for great grace for parents no longer speaking to their children, and we cry out for all those who are experiencing the terrible pain of separation – which wounds like forsakenness – as they mourn the loss of fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters. We pray especially for those grieving the tragic loss of children. Father, in their pain – in our pain – do not forsake us. Lord, restore our hearts in your great mercy – restore the hearts of children to their parents, and parents to their children. Lord, take us up in your loving embrace; heal broken hearts, save wounded families, and make us whole.