Nehemiah: Praise.

Week #7

Opening Reflections.

Where have you seen God at work in your life this week? 
Share any brief examples and encouragements. 


All the people listened attentively to the Book of the Law… Nehemiah said,… ‘do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.’

Nehemiah 8:3, 10

Read Nehemiah 8:1-12,18.

1. The walls of the city have been rebuilt, and the people are settled in their homes. Now is the moment when Nehemiah establishes a new community with the Word of God at its centre. Israel had had a temple and a tradition of blood sacrifice, but never before had the reading and explanation of Scripture been so significant that it was proclaimed by someone standing on a platform (the King James Bible calls it a pulpit!). 

  • What does this story have to tell us today about preaching?

  • Have you ever heard someone preach a message that made you mourn, weep, cry (or at least have to pretend that something just got in your eye)? 

  • What was it about the message that had that impact on you?

2. We tend to think of weeping and tears as sign of genuine repentance and (in the revivalist tradition) sorrow over personal sin. Some churches have had a tradition of a ‘mourner’s bench’ for people to come and sob their way to salvation. Nehemiah seems to suggest something else. Weeping may be the first response, but certainly not the last.

  • Why do you think Nehemiah tells people to stop crying and celebrate instead?

  • What is more ‘holy’, tears or rejoicing?

  • How can we get better at feasting, celebrating and cultivating joy?

  • What does it mean to be a ‘community of celebration’?


Closing Reflections.

 Is there anything you will take away from this study and discussion?

 What has stood out that you can take into your week ahead? 
Pray together (in pairs or small groups) for each other, in response to your answers.


Listen to the message.