Nehemiah: Pioneer.

Week #3

Opening Reflections.

Where have you seen God at work in your life this week? 
Share any brief examples and encouragements. 


Benjamin and Hasshub made repairs in front of their house; and next to them, Azariah son of Maaseiah, the son of Ananiah, made repairs beside his house.

Nehemiah 3:23 

Read Nehemiah 3.

1. Rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem was a team effort with a simple strategy by which everyone got to play their part. Three general principles seem to have applied: (1) If you have special skills, use them if you can (v.1 The high priest and fellow priests repaired the gate that led animal sacrifices to the temple); (2) If the wall in front of your house is broken down, repair that (v. 23); (3) Whoever you are or wherever you are from, be prepared to do whatever is needed (compare v. 5 and v. 14). 

  • How can we apply this to ourselves? 

  • How do we STEP UP to the challenge? 

  • Do we need to change the way we think about ourselves? (compare Philippians 2:4-5)

2. The work of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem was done largely by families working next to one another. 

  • How can we STEP TOGETHER as families to work alongside one another in the work of the kingdom today? (How does that work for single people or those living away from their families?)

3. In Exodus 4:2 God asked Moses, “What is that in your hand?” Nehemiah 3 mentions goldsmiths, perfumers, merchants and priests as being amongst the unlikely builders of the city.

  • What does that suggest about the skills you have that might be useful for the work of the kingdom? 

4. Nehemiah 3 mentions many people who rebuilt the broken walls in front of their own homes – they responded to the definite need right in front of them rather than looking for possible opportunities somewhere else.

  • What do you see immediately in front of you that is in need of repair and rebuilding? 

  • What can you do? 

  • How can you STEP OUT


Closing Reflections.

 Is there anything you will take away from this study and discussion?

 What has stood out that you can take into your week ahead? 
Pray together (in pairs or small groups) for each other, in response to your answers.


Listen to the message.