Digging In.

Week #2: Building Altars.

In this series we explore three aspects of digging deep, drawn from the story of Isaac in Genesis 26. He digs wells, builds an altar and pitches his tent. We believe God is calling each one of us to do the same: to dig deep in prayer, to build our own altars of worship and sacrifice, and to put down roots in the place of his blessing.

If we will take care of the depth in this way, he will take care of the breadth.


From there [Isaac] went up to Beersheba. That night the Lord appeared to him and said, ‘I am the God of your father Abraham. Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bless you and will increase the number of your descendants for the sake of my servant Abraham.’ Isaac built an altar there and called on the name of the Lord. There he pitched his tent, and there his servants dug a well.

Genesis 26:23-25

In the place of God’s blessing Isaac builds an altar. Altars can be a powerful Biblical symbol of worship, thanksgiving, costly sacrifice, and covenant. 
First, take a few minutes to all quietly re-read this passage on your own, noticing any words or phrases that really stand out to you, speak to you, grab your attention. Afterwards, go around and each share what stood out to you.  
If you know Isaac’s life story, what significant experience did Isaac have in his younger years with an altar? How might the memory of that experience impact this encounter? 
Isaac has not yet seen the fullness of the Abrahamic blessing, but he’s giving thanks in anticipation of all that’s to come. Why do you think this an important principle in our lives? Share how this principle has been significant in your own life.
In Genesis chapter 26, we see that it has been very costly for Isaac to reach this point. In obedience, he has remained in a land of famine rather than run off to the comfort of Egypt. Here he faces rejection, opposition, and challenge. Yet at this altar, Isaac gathers up God’s blessings, and even the pain of his own journey, and uses them to make a mark and give thanks. How does this speak to you? Does this connect with your own story and journey? 
What altar is God calling you to build in this season? What aspect of worship, thanksgiving, costly sacrifice, or covenant is God calling you to? Share these with each other. How can this group support you?


Pray for one another.

Pray together (in pairs or small groups) for each other.


Listen to the message.