COVID-19: A First Response.
A first response to life in lockdown, for use in Collectives.
1. What are you finding hard at the moment? In what ways are you or people around you hurting? What concerns or fears do you have for yourself or your family?
2. What are you thankful for? What are you learning?
3. What do you need? How can we best support each other at the moment?
4. What positive things do you see coming out of this strange season? What opportunities do you see?
We are living through a momentous disruption to life as normal. As a consequence, what would you now like to see in your future that may be different from what you had previously imagined?
A response to Pete and Sammy’s message.
You planned something bad for me, but God produced something good from it, in order to save the lives of many people, just as he’s doing today.
Genesis 50:20
1. Was there anything which particularly resonated with you? (Any moments of ‘Aha!’)
2. Was there anything you felt resistance to? (Any moments of ‘Grr’, or ‘Oh, no!’)
3. Was there anything else you particularly noticed?